Economic Affairs Applied Research Workshop

a Classical Liberal
Understanding of Agenda
for a Free Society

Our workshop will offer invited scholars a unique opportunity to engage in meaningful and constructive discussions of working papers to help prepare them for submission to Economic Affairs or other journals. Our aim is to contribute to improving the quality of every paper accepted to the workshop. 

While we are making an open call for proposals, the EAAE Workshop will be a select event open only to invited paper presenters and scholars. An academic committee will review submissions and select up to twenty paper presenters, whose work will comprise the core workshop agenda. More details on the format and agenda of the Applied Research Workshop will be made available after the selection of participants.

The 2024 workshop will be hosted at Universidad Francisco Marroquín-Madrid. In conjunction with the workshop, UFM-Madrid will host special opening and closing dinners. Tickets for these dinners may be purchased by interested members of the public. 

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