About Economic Affairs

Economic Affairs is a peer reviewed journal published by the Vinson Centre at the University of Buckingham and the Institute of Economic Affairs, in collaboration with Universidad de las Hespérides and Universidad Francisco Marroquín, through academic publisher Wiley. It is edited by Professor Len Shackleton.

The journal is indexed by Scopus and is part of the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI). It has published a wide range of authors from around the world, including a number of Nobel Prize laureates, while focusing on non-mathematical approaches to economic analysis.

For more than forty years, the journal has published original work and commentaries by hundreds of authors broadly sharing our approach to classical liberal political economy. Nowadays, in contrast with some of our other output, it has a particularly strong international focus. Three-quarters of our readership is based overseas, as is a large proportion of our authors. This was not the case when Economic Affairs was first launched by Arthur Seldon and the IEA back in 1980.

The journal is published three times per year, in February, May, and October. Here you can access the latest issues.

The journal publishes main articles (around 7,000 words in length), as well as short articles, of no more than 3,500 words, reporting on larger studies which may be published in full elsewhere. The journal also has a book review section.