Call for papers
2024 Economic Affairs Applied Research Workshop
December 13-14, 2024
Universidad Francisco Marroquín - Madrid Campus
Calle de Arturo Soria, 245, 28033 Madrid, Spain.
Economic Affairs is a journal for those interested in the application of economic principles to practical affairs. It aims to stimulate debate on economic and social problems by asking its authors, while analyzing complex issues, to make their analysis and conclusions accessible to a wide audience. This journal exists to improve the understanding of the role of markets in the economy and society. Like many economists we are broadly inspired by classical liberalism but welcome a variety of theoretical and empirical approaches.
We welcome papers for our Inaugural 2024 Research Workshop that address, among others, any of the following topics/areas:
- The analysis of market regulation, as applied to the goods, services, and labor markets.
- The debate on privatization vs. nationalization of public utilities.
- Free trade vs. international aid and economic development.
- The case for unilateral free trade.
- On the classics and history of economic thought: an assessment of their legacy and application for today’s problems.
- Central banks and money creation: the debate on monetary competition.
- Money and inflation.
- Taxes, public spending, and public finances sustainability.
- Energy policies: an assessment of green subsidies.
- An assessment of alternatives to state education.
A selection of papers from the workshop will be considered for publication in Economic Affairs.
If you have any questions or feedback on the workshop, please email

Submission Instructions
All proposals must be submitted using the form on this website by July 31st, 2024. Submissions must include an abstract of no more than 500 words and include a brief CV of the author(s) (no more than two pages each). Documents should be attached.Please send the documents in English and MS Word format. Submissions that do not meet these requirements will not be considered.

Paper proposal deadline: July 31, 2024
Proposal acceptance notification: September 1, 2024
Paper submission due: November 1, 2024
Workshop date: December 13-14, 2024