Cookie Usage Policy

Use of Cookies

Types, Purpose, and Functioning of Cookies

How to Disable Cookies on Most Browsers

What happens if cookies are disabled?

Changes in Cookie Policy

1. Use of Cookies by UFM Websites

UFM websites use cookies. Cookies are files sent to a browser by a web server to record the user's activities on a website or UFM website service (hereinafter referred to as services). Cookies are used to facilitate faster access to selected services and to personalize the services offered by UFM websites on the basis of the user's usual choices and preferences when using the services.

Cookies are associated with an anonymous user and his/her computer and do not collect personal data. Users may configure their browser to disallow the installation of the cookies used by UFM websites without their rejection preventing the user from accessing services, however, disallowing the installation of cookies may reduce the speed and quality of website operation.

2. Types, Purpose, and Functioning of the Cookies Used on UFM Websites

Cookie 'cookieConsent' (Own. Generated by UFM website)

Cookie to remember the user's choice to accept the installation of cookies.

Session Cookie 'JSESSIONID' (Own. Generated by UFM website)

Expires when the user closes the browser. It is used to manage the connection to the server during the user's visit.

Google Analytics '_ga' Cookie (Third-party. Generated by an external service)

Each time a user visits a service, a tool from an external provider (Google Analytics) provides a web analysis service.

This service is provided by Google, Inc., a company located at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, California, 94043, United States of America.

Google uses cookies, through which it performs statistical analysis on the Web. The information collected by the cookies (including the IP address) is managed and stored by Google on its servers in the United States of America.

Google uses this information and provides INPRO with statistical data on the use of the website, being able to transmit this information to third parties in the legal assumptions specifically collected, or when these third parties process the information on behalf of Google. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. The purpose of these cookies is:

to know the number of visitors, and the time spent browsing our website.

to know which are the most visited contents.

to know if the user is new or has previously visited the website.

3. How to Disable Cookies on Most Browsers

We inform you that cookies are not essential for use of our website.

They can be blocked or disabled using the configuration tools on your browser. Your browser allows you to refuse the installation of all cookies, or to select those you wish to allow.

Listed below are the links to the tools section of the main browsers, in which you can learn how to disable cookies

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

Apple Safari

Internet Explorer

Version 5

Version 6

Versions 7 and 8

Version 9

Version 10 and later

4. What happens if you disable cookies?

If you reject cookies you will still be able to use our website, but you will not be able to easily share our content on social networks, and we will not be able to obtain valuable information that will enable us to offer you content according to your interests.

5. Changes to Cookie Policy

UFM websites may modify this cookie policy, either by incorporating new cookies arising from the need for new content that may be offered, or due to legislative or regulatory requirements that make changes necessary, and therefore users are advised to consult the policy before starting to browse the website.

Applicable Legislation

This Legal Notice is governed by Spanish law.

Copyright © 2021 - Universidad Francisco Marroquín - Sede Madrid. All copyright reserved by the laws and international treaties of intellectual property. Copying, reproduction or dissemination, in whole or in part, by any means is expressly prohibited.